Joshua 1:9

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you may go. Joshua 1:9

Monday, May 30, 2011

Bee's Bites and "Medsin"

Bee woke up crying early on Sunday morning saying her leg hurt. I rubbed my eyes and tried to see what was bothering her but once she climbed into bed with me she stopped fussing so I didn't think it was anything really. Three hours later we are getting ready for church and I notice Bee's leg has a nasty little bite on it. Long story short is, she was bitten by a spider in her bed. While not a poisonous spider, she did react badly to it and it turned into an infection very quickly. After a visit to her Pediatrician, she started antibiotics and within hours of her first dose, her leg started improving. Below is a picture log of her leg over 24 hours.
This is about 3 hours after her bite.

About 6 hours after.

9 hours after bite.

This was at it's worst just before starting meds. 24 hours after being bitten. You can see the redness spreading down her foot.

This is after 24 hours on antibiotics
I'm so thankful for Doctors at times like this! We don't rush to the doctor for just anything and this was only Bee's 2nd time to take antibiotics. But it's what was needed!
One cute thing was watching Bee nurse her leg. She was constantly asking for her "medsin" and I found her daily with the benedryl cream COVERING her leg. I think it was more because she liked the lotion feel of it rather than needing the relief of the cream. =P My sweet girl.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

New Experiences

So last year for Fathers Day I gave D a "gift card" for a guided fishing tour. He finally took advantage of it this last week and brought home quite the haul! I think it was 5 Sand Bass and 8 Catfish. After watching a dozen YouTube videos we figured out how to filet them and with some cooking hints from a friend, we had one delicious meal of fried fish and grilled corn! YUM!

Mothers Day!

And a beautiful day it was! My family came out to join us at the lake where we grilled, watched the sun set, and told old family stories. Oh, I got to spend the day with my favorite little girl. Yep, she's my doll.

We did it!

I present to you,


I can hardly believe  that we've gone and done it! =) She's a 39ft long 2004 Cedar Creek 5th wheel with 4 slide-outs. Her nickname is "Big Bertha". We brought her home on April 25th and it's been a whirlwind since! We've been parked on Lake Lavon and pretty well been living in it since the 1st of May. I'll post pictures soon of the inside, but for now, here's a little of what we've been enjoying since!


It was a beautiful day! We had our easter service at church and sang in the choir. Had lunch and Easter egg hunt with her cousins at my sister-in-laws. She even got to sit at the "kids table". My little girl is growing up!

From there we headed over to my parents house, for naps and hanging out. We even did some egg coloring with veggie dyes. So fun! Bee could've done this all day!

We had another egg hunt, and by now Bee has mastered the art. She even shared her goodies with her Aunts.

It was a wonderful day, being reminded that our LORD has Risen!