Joshua 1:9

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you may go. Joshua 1:9

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


We just got back to MO after a very busy week in TX. A dear childhood friend of mine was married Saturday and the week was filled with wedding preparations, decorating, seeing friends, and spending time with family. We also got our 1 year visas to Thailand! The Consulate General took a liking to B too. He gave her a fist bump and then didn't charge us for her visa! Thank you Lord!
Here are a few pictures to enjoy!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

So much to do.....

And so little time! The tickets are bought and we'll be applying for our visas on Monday. We've had a whirlwind trip in TX for a friends wedding and will be heading back to MO soon. We've got so much to do in MO it's not even funny! The trailer needs the roof sealed and finish waxed. Also have some insulation to put under the basement. Business things to handle and a trip to plan. I won't bore you with the details. If it's quiet around here though you'll know why!

Monday, September 19, 2011


It's Official!
We bought our ticket to Thailand and we can't wait! We will leave after Thanksgiving and return in April. It'll be here before we know it!

This picture reminds me so much of growing up in PNG. I think I even have a picture my dad took very similar to this one. Can you say beautiful!!??

We'll be planning a visit to a beach just like this one and some snorkeling too!
Bee LOVES elephants!

We can't wait!! And yes, there is a waiting list on fitting into our luggage!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Date day at Silver Dollar City

This was a much needed day to get away and enjoy each other. It was relaxing and I sure hope it's not too long before we get another day like it!
Enjoy the pics!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

First ever slip-cover project!

I love it! She was a piece of work and took time and finesse getting her just right. She's not perfect but neither am I so I think we should be best friends.
I followed Miss Mustard Seed blog with her video tutorials. She gave me the courage to jump in! I want to put some Velcro in a few spots and a tie or button in the back but otherwise she's ready to be enjoyed.
Here she is when she first caught my eye. See those beautiful lines!?
Her arms and legs just needed a little love...
New springs for the girl, $10 online from an antiques hardware store.
New cushions...pieced together
My beauty...I hope to rock many babies with you...

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Posting from the iPhone and a post about a chair..

Standing in line for a show at Silver Dollar City and thought I'd try out the new Blogger App. Very cool and easy to use!
I found a $5 chair at my local thrift shop. I loved the lines and quality of the frame so I threw it in the truck and brought her home! First thing my hubby said? "What is this piece of junk for??" :-) well dear, I will show you! Eventually I'll do a detailed post on it but for now you just get pics of the progress.