Joshua 1:9

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you may go. Joshua 1:9

Thursday, January 19, 2012

A day in the life of Bee

This is generally what our day looks like in pictures. Sometimes we switch it up with a trip out somewhere. But for the most part it's just me and Bee hanging out.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Making Playdough

Since we've had a quiet week, I thought I'd share Bee's new favorite at least for the benefit of her fan club.
We made Koolaid Playdough together and that activity combined with actual playtime took up well over 2 hours of our morning. I had to make her stop so we could have lunch! So, new favorite thing to do....

Friday, January 13, 2012

Family Zoo Day

If you've talked to Bee since we've been in Thailand, she would tell you that we went to the zoo. And she would say it as though that's what she did every day. So, finally, we made it out to the Chiang Mai Zoo and spent the whole day enjoying the animals. This place was huge and while I'd balked at the idea of getting a tram pass, we were absolutely using a tram by the end of the day.


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Service Project

I had the opportunity to visit an all girls orphanage on Sunday with the church we're attending here. It's taken me a few days trying to decide what I would say about that afternoon. My heart has always been pulled toward orphans; one verse my Dad shared often was the verse "care for the widow and orphans". I'm also halfway through Kisses From Katie which I challenge you to read and then do something to make a difference in the life/lives of the orphaned and fatherless.
This home is 45 min from where we are staying. When we arrived we all gathered in a large room where we had singing, group games, story time, and a prayer before breaking up into three groups and rotating through stations of bible lesson, crafts, and outdoor games.
I didn't take many pictures because I didn't want to make them even more shy with some white girl snapping pictures. So here are just a few along with a video of singing that gave me the goosebumps.

Friday, January 6, 2012

The Elephant Camp!! Bee had been looking forward to this for so long!! We got there just in time to watch them bathe and then watch the show. We loved watching them play soccer and be really quite good at it! There were some artists in the bunch who did a really good job. Seriously I couldn't do what they painted! D got to play darts against one elephant and they tied. After the show and a visit to the elephant nursery, we got to take a 30 min ride on an elephant! I did get a nice pic on my big camera but can't get those off right now. So you'll just have to believe me.:-) Bee found herself a little elephant friend who she's been carrying around everywhere. We had a great time!
A 32 yr old Mama and her 4 month old baby girl
Playing Soccer
Bee saying hello to a 6 month old
This right after she snuck a few bundles of bananas and sugar cane
A tired Bee and her new friend
Painting a masterpiece

Going out...

We went out last night just the three of us. It was also my first time to take the Song-Tau (public transporting truck) by myself with Bee. Yes, quite a big deal to me! We made our way out to the night bazaar which is just like walking street only it happens every night. I did snap a few random pictures...
Familiar Sights
Sharing a donut with Daddy
Riding in the Song-Tau
Watching out the back of the truck

Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Hill Tribes People

My uncle was invited up into the far hill tribes area to visit the mother of a church member who passed away last summer and to pray with a 90 year old Christian man. He told us this was quite an honor as this was his first time to ever go that far out in the 18 years he's been here.
It brought back so many memories of my childhood running around in the villages my dad would take us to on his trips into the bush. I remember running around under the houses up on stilts and bare dirt beneath my feet or how it felt to walk on the bamboo straw floor of those homes. And watching an elder woman cook over a small fire and wondering why it wasn't burning through the floor. It was such an honor and blessing to me to be there.
Enjoy the pics...
This did not look like a road, nor did it look possible to get our SUV up to the top. But my uncle is a very good driver. =)
Following a Hen and her chicks
Rice fields
I will never complain about my kitchen again...

Monday, January 2, 2012

Night of fellowship with Christians in the mountains

Beautiful night! Great food, singing, prayer, and lots of smiling and nodding our heads since we didn't understand a word. It was an experience I'll never forget and we were so glad for this opportunity! Bee made a friend with a little boy who reminded me a lot of her friend Trenton in the States. And bubbles break all language barriers! They had so much to eat and I was so thankful that Bee ate their food too. She couldn't get enough of the rice, pork and fried eggs. She has not been really interested in trying food here so I was glad she picked that night to eat up! After dinner they had a time of sharing what God had been doing in their lives followed with singing and prayer. Great first night in the mountains!
Ending the night with fireworks
Preparing the fire to cook the meat and Kau-Lam
Making friends!
The view from our host's home.
Making Kau-Lam, it's a sweet sticky rice cooked in bamboo.
Watching the fire.
The Feast!