Joshua 1:9

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you may go. Joshua 1:9

Saturday, March 31, 2012

My sweet girl. We've been busy together. 

Learning our letters and lots of coloring. 

Taking a trip to the mall to paint little ceramics. She could do this for h.o.u.r.s.

Occasionally taking a snooze.

And playing with her new favorite toys. Unicorn and the Squinkies.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

If you asked me.....

If you asked me, I would tell you we miss Daddy.

A. Lot.

He had to go back to the states a week ago.

We'll be apart for four more weeks.

On some days,

it feels like an eternity.

Bee is all out of sorts without him here, like not being "able" to walk because she scratched her leg. Evidently even sliding out of bed was physically impossible.

I took it as a cry for more Love and Hugs and obliged her need to be carried around.

Thankfully, she realized this morning that she could walk though only on her tippy toes.

If you asked me, I would tell you about my visit to the orphanage yesterday. So many new faces since I was there 5 weeks ago. Both in the Toddler house and the Baby House.
So many precious adorable faces.

Some familiar faces weren't there. Like little EQ. I really wanted to see him again. I'm praying the reason he wasn't there is that his Mommy and Daddy came for him.

If you asked, I'd tell you that secretly I wanted to be his Mommy. He grabbed my heart and I haven't stopped thinking about him for the last 5 weeks.

If you asked me, I'd tell you that I don't know what our future holds once we are back in the states. But I do have a Peace.
Peace that God will provide.
He will give direction.
He will open doors.

That Peace enables me to continue every day.

My Thailand Faves

I don't have access to all my pictures, but here are a few of my favorites. Hard to believe we've been here for 4 months, and have only 4 weeks left.

Saturday, March 24, 2012


A beautiful video shared with me from a friend.

Get the tissues out.

A beautiful family following Gods' leading.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Three years
Three years since my life changed.
Three years of changing everything I ever thought I knew.
Three years of watching you grow. 
Three years of cuddles and snuggles.
Three years of the most precious smiles. 
My precious daughter.
I can't begin to express my gratefulness to God for blessing our family with you. 
You bring such excitement and Joy to our lives. 
You were a gift from God to Daddy and Me. Did you know I had a dream about you 6 weeks before I found out I was pregnant?
I dreamt that I had a beautiful baby girl, with gorgeous brown hair and big brown eyes. 
In my dream, someone asked me what her name was, 
"Bethanna" was my response. 
I'd never heard that name before and I believe with all my heart God gave us that name for you. 
He made you special and gave you a beautiful name!
Your name means "daughter of God, one whom God looks kindly upon". 
You are his daughter and He loves you so much!!
You are a Princess! 

All my love,

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Date night with Bee

We took tonight to celebrate Bee, just the three of us. Dinner, cake with candles, singing happy birthday, and photo booth pics were the highlights. We had a great time loving on our almost 3 yr old.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

If you asked me...

If you asked me I would tell you I love this man.
He is stepping out in faith and being totally reliant on God to provide. 

I would tell you we are soaking up every last bit of our time here on the island.
 We go back to Chiang Mai tomorrow.

If you asked me I would tell you I hope the next 5 weeks speed by. And I would tell you going to my parents house has never sounded so good!

I would tell you my baby Bee turns 3 next week. She has requested a White Tiger/Rainbow cake.
White tiger? Probably from holding a cub at the zoo. Rainbow? I have no idea....

If you asked I would tell you she talks about going to the library with her Aunt Sam all.the.time. She can't wait.

If you asked I would tell you that I miss connection. I miss speaking face to face with someone who knows me. I miss having friends for Bee. I miss feeling at home. Traveling is great...but there comes a point when home is better. 

If you asked I'd tell you I've learned to make do with so much less that I have in the states. Really makes me think of so much more I could do without that I have sitting in the trailer or in storage...

If you asked, I would tell you I'll miss the ocean. But not the sand. It gets in EvErYtHiNg.

If you asked I'd tell you what Bee said last night after prayers: 
God made me special, like a princess!

Saturday, March 10, 2012


We took off the other day to try find some waterfalls. 
We went for the only one that didn't take a 1+ hour hike to get to it.
 This one happens to really be only a wet season waterfall as there wasn't more than a trickling stream. We got into one of the water pools to cool off a bit only to discover little crawdad like creatures that were latching onto us. 
So we got out. 
Beautiful place though! 
And I can't imagine what it must be like during the rainy season!

Beautiful Hosta looking plant with leaves bigger than dinner plates

Another dry waterfall

Where the falls would be cascading down.

D didn't want to get in considering the size of the dragon lizards we've been seeing!

The "trail" wasn't much more than a worn path with roots and stone.

Friday, March 9, 2012


Unedited...and Amazing.

They are stunning. Every night.
We never tire of sitting out by the water and watching the sun set as it is never the same.
Sometimes we'll even take our dinner out and eat while enjoying the beauty God has created.
Amazing Handiwork.
Just for us.

Fellow Sunset watchers

A viewpoint from the top of a cliff

We are kinda rough looking...heat, humidity, and riding everywhere on a moped will do this to you!

Seen from the porch of our beach house

Thursday, March 8, 2012


We're back. We've been without internet for a few days which is a big reason for my quietness. We've also had a lot going so being unplugged wasn't all that bad.
Living on the beach of course means lots of beach time; as in every day. Since ruining my iphone while on the beach though I'm quite hesitant about taking any other electronics near the water! So these pics are from 2 different visits to what is now our Favorite Beach. Koh Ma. It's a special spot where a small island off the shore is connected to the main island by a sand beach. We love it here. The sand is perfect, plenty of shade for Bee, restaurants everywhere if you need something, and the snorkeling is pretty great too! If we ever come back to Koh Phangan we'll be staying on this beach.
Notice, Bee has one smile...BIG and GOOFY <3

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Bee's World

(some conversations with our girl and little things we don't want to forget)

Mom: You can't have your night night because there is throw up all over it
Bee: But Mom! I just have to smell it!!

Bee: Mom, did you hear that music???
Mom: Honey, you just tooted, what do you say?
Bee: Excoooooooooooooose me!

Holding her hands up to her chest, 
Bee: MOM!!! Where did my buns go????

Bee: Don't drink the ocean Mom
Mom: why babe?
Bee: Because, it's not so tasty

Mom: We can play with the dogs in Tx and Mo, and maybe we can even get a dog that will be your own.
Bee: Can we have Neko, Please?
(Neko was our dog who died last summer, her favorite canine friend)
