If you asked me, I would tell you we miss Daddy.
A. Lot.
He had to go back to the states a week ago.
We'll be apart for four more weeks.
On some days,
it feels like an eternity.
Bee is all out of sorts without him here, like not being "able" to walk because she scratched her leg. Evidently even sliding out of bed was physically impossible.
I took it as a cry for more Love and Hugs and obliged her need to be carried around.
Thankfully, she realized this morning that she could walk though only on her tippy toes.
If you asked me, I would tell you about my visit to the orphanage yesterday. So many new faces since I was there 5 weeks ago. Both in the Toddler house and the Baby House.
So many precious adorable faces.
Some familiar faces weren't there. Like little EQ. I really wanted to see him again. I'm praying the reason he wasn't there is that his Mommy and Daddy came for him.
If you asked, I'd tell you that secretly I wanted to be his Mommy. He grabbed my heart and I haven't stopped thinking about him for the last 5 weeks.
If you asked me, I'd tell you that I don't know what our future holds once we are back in the states. But I do have a Peace.
Peace that God will provide.
He will give direction.
He will open doors.
That Peace enables me to continue every day.